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Kids in Love: The Mowgli's Concert Recap

I do this thing where I go months without concerts then go to like a hundred within days of each other. It always happens like this. Case in point I went to see Walk the Moon on March 26 and then the following Wednesday, April 2, I had tickets to go see The Mowgli's. Remember The Mowgli's? They're the band I fell in love with when I wen to Buzz Beach Ball last year. Well they were coming back to KC on their Kids in Love tour and I had to get tickets. I went with my friend Riley and we had an amazing time! It was definitely another concert for the books! So here's a little recap of the concert! 

Riley and my standing outside in line before the concert! 

Oh fun story. While we were standing in line waiting to get into the venue we saw some members of the Mowgli's walking on the opposite side of the street. We fangirled for a moment but wanting to be cool and not be those girls we kept quiet. Haha!

The concert was at The Midland theatre in KC. It is the nicest theatre I've ever been into. It's got chandeliers, carved woodwork, red velvet curtains. I felt like I should be seeing an opera or Harry Houdini perform. We had General Admission seats again but pretty much front row spots. We also met some awesome girls who were in front of us. They were so cool so if you somehow find this and read it, hey! 

We had about an hour before the show started so we just stood and talked and what not. I love concerts because you always seem to have something to talk about with someone. Soon it was showtime and I couldn't have been more excited!

This concert had two openers. First up was Hippo Campus, a popish rock band out of Minnesota. I had never heard of them but then again KC is known for breaking bands. They were pretty good and had a unique sound. They had a great energy which was perfect for getting the crowd pumped up. Definitely give them a listen on Spotify. They just released an album too! 

 After a quick set change the second opener of the night was on. 

Night Riots is also an rock band but a little less boyband pop and more hard rock. Their lead singer Travis was totally channeling his inner Matt Healy. Honestly, I wasn't all that into them but that's just because I'm not a hard rock person. They had a sick sound but it just wasn't my speed. Check them out on Spotify.

Another quick set change and it was the moment we'd all been waiting for....

Sorry there's no videos :( They had a no recording policy so just pictures from this show!

This was a million times better than seeing them at Buzz Beach Ball. Like is it possible they got even better?! Because they totally did. They played so many new songs off their new album, Kids in Love which is out now so you should most definitely give it a listen. They have just this awesome energy about them. You could definitely feel it in the crowd. Me and Riley were dancing around and singing out. We were having so fun! It was such a great night! It's always special whenever they come since Colin, their lead singer is from KC. #KCRepresent I can't wait to see them again and this time be able to sing along to all their songs! 

Of course when there's an awesome mirror you have to take an outfit mirror pic. Lol. Wearing my typical concert going attire, black graphic tank, black jeans, white Converse and my trusty flannel. 

After the concert we were riding the post concert high. It's the greatest feeling in the world to feel the bass in your chest and have this adrenaline pumping through you. We were starving so we stopped off at McDonald's for some food. A late night post event ritual which I've adopted. It was like after midnight/closer to 1 am when I got home. And I had to be up at 6am the next day to get ready for the GBS Conference (read all about Day 1 and Day 2). 

It was such an awesome night spent with a great friend and even greater music. These are the nights I live for! Be looking for the next concert review. I have a feeling there are going to be quite a few this year. 

What concerts have you gone too? What's your favorite? Leave me a comment below sharing your favorite concert experience! :)

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"when the whole crowd sings to the band in unison"

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