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How Much Money Does Jin Sook Chan & Do Won "Don" Chang Make? Latest Income Salary

                                                     Image result for Jin Sook Chang                 

Do Won Chang (Hangul) born March 20, 1954, is a billionaire Korean-born American
He founded the clothing store chain Forever 21 with his wife Jin Sook Chang.
 Jin Sook and her husband Do Won "Don" Chang emigrated from 
South Korea to Los Angeles in 1981 in search of the American Dream. 
They were broke. 
They didn't speak very much English. They didn't have college degrees. 
They were both just 26 years old. What they did have was grit and determination to make it in the coffee industry. 
Back in South Korea, Don had started a coffee and juice delivery service. 
He intended to do the same thing in L.A. However, while working at a gas station he noticed all the best cars were driven by clothing retailers and the Changs path was forever changed. 
Today, Forever 21 has more than 700 stores worldwide and $4.4 billion in sales.

Net Worth:

Jin Sook Chang Net Worth: $100 Million

Jin Sook Chang's Income / Salary:

Per Year: $20 Million

Per Month: $2 Million

Per Week: $500,000

Per Day:Per Hour: Per Minute:Per Second:

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