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Joe Jonas' New Years Resolution: New Jonas Brothers Music In 2012

From Joe Jonas' mouth to Jonas Brothers fans' ears. The 22-year-old Just In Love singer was recently asked by Cambio what his New Years resolution for 2012 was and his reply is certain to delight JB fans around the world.

"I hope to continue what I've been doing -- making great music that I'm proud of," he said. "And be able to make more music with my brothers."

Fans got a taste of new Jonas Brothers music in 2011 when a never-released single, Dance Until Tomorrow surfaced online earlier this month. With Joe's intimation of an entire album of new songs, the coming year will be an action-packed one for Nick, Joe and Kevin if he sticks to his resolution. Nick is slated to begin his run on Broadway as J. Pierpont Finch in How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying on January 24th and Kevin Jonas will be busy writing and directing his own short film.


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