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Crowned with Silver

In the 1990's and early 2000's, we homemakers were greatly encouraged by an old fashioned magazine called, "Crowned with Silver."   Each issue taught us the history of feminism and how it was destroying modern homes.  It was gently, and sweetly done and a blessing to learn.

We also read old stories from the 1800's and 1900's that inspire families - just like those old fireside readings.  We read articles about old fashioned child training and keeping our homes nice and our pantries full. 

There was a small pen pal section where mothers and daughters could find like-minded friends to correspond with. 

Late yesterday afternoon, I found one issue of the magazine online. *  I believe it was the last issue, or close to last issue, before they ceased publication (when the editor passed away).  It is the Summer 2007 edition.   The main article is called, "My Wife Took My Job" by Mrs. Anna Neumas.  She spoke about how a husband was heartbroken because his wife had decided to divorce him.  The court gave her the children because she was earning much more money than he was.  She was very successful in her work and didn't think she needed him any more.  Mrs. Neumas went on to explain The Industrial Revolution and Women's Rights Movement, and the ungodly thinking that lured wives and mothers out of the home.  The article is excellent and will greatly encourage we homemakers who are committed to our calling at home. (I hope you are able to read this article.)

I dearly wish "Crowned with Silver" was still in print and could continue for many years to encourage each generation.

Mrs. White

* Edited update - Aug. 2016 - The online edition is no longer available.*

Mrs. White's special book for Homemakers - "Mother's Book of Home Economics."

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