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Boy oh boy, what is going on with my brain??? I take a medication called gabapentin, which is generic for neurontin. It is a seizure medication, but as in my case, it is given for nerve pain. It has some unpleasant side effects, including short term memory loss, dizziness, and brain fog. (some people I know might tell you I have always been a bit dizzy, but just ignore them.)

I have decided to call it my Gabby Brain. There is so much gabbing going on in my brain that one side can't keep up with what the other is doing. It is disconcerting to say the least. However, I did eventually adjust to my previous dosage and I am confident that at some point my body will adjust to this.

When I went for my follow up appointment this past Tuesday, I told my doctor that the cold weather was making my neuropathy worse. He agreed that that happens and offered to increase my dose. I on the other hand was fully expecting him to offer to buy me a one way ticket to Key West. That didn't happen. I just don't know what has happened to the medical profession these days. There just seems to be no real compassion. SIGH!!!

So the reason for all of this sharing, of pretty much useless information, is to explain away why I may repeat things in posts, why I can't seem to spell anymore, and anything else I might possible blame on Gabby Brain. 

For right now, me and my Gabby Brain are going to throw on some clothes (yes, I am still in my jammies) and go outside and see the world. It is 60 degrees and the sun is shining. That may just clear up some of the fog. 

Have a great rest of your day.

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P.S. I pinky swear that I will visit more this weekend.

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