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Media's suicide continues

Whose feet are these? I will give you a hint: She's 42.

Her feet are an example of the media's triple-somersault dive off the Golden Gate Bridge as this century grinds on.

Before I reveal whose feet those are, let us examine the Summer Olympics. A nation still locked down because of the pandemic panic should be looking for a diversion from our daily woes. The Olympics was a chance for everyone to rally behind the flag.

We did it with the 1976 Montreal Olympics following the shame of the fall of Saigon.

We did it with the 1980 Winter Olympics amid the Iran hostage situation and the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan.

We did it with the 1996 Atlanta Olympics when we were at peace and enjoying a nice stretch of prosperity.

The games were fun. We concentrated on the events that Americans are good at and ignored the sports we suck at. Men's basketball got plenty of coverage. Curling? Not so much.

But sports in America is no longer fun. It is another armpit of politics. 

Too many athletes today piss all over our American heritage, and then expect us to root for them in the Olympics. Americans actually rooted against the women's soccer team because of the players are outspokenly anti-American. It takes a gargantuan amount of stupidity to accomplish that, but the purple-haired lesbian and the rest were able to get America to turn its back on them.

The media which enabled this anti-American activism pays the price.

ESPN's ratings fell 17% last year, amid a pandemic lockdown. That is an incredibly absurd development. 

Suddenly, millions of American males were stuck inside their houses. 2020 should have been a banner year for ESPN. Instead, men found other things to do, in large part because sports is no longer a refuge.

It is not just sports that the media ruined.

Superhero action movies once were a lock to be big box office. In the 20th century even Michael Keaton found success as Batman.

But in the 21st century, we have Batwoman, a black and lesbian Batman. Most Americans roll their eyes. We would rather watch reruns of the blood-awful Batman TV series. (I did not realize just how bad they were until I watched them as an adult 50 years later. Only an 11-year-old could watch it.)

Which brings me to the mystery feet.

They belong to Biden's spokeswoman Jen Psaki.

She's 42 but her feet look decades older.

Breitbart reported, "Vogue magazine, which refused to profile First Lady (and former supermodel) Melania Trump throughout four years of Donald Trump’s presidency, published a lavish puff piece on President Joe Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, Monday.

"The profile features glamour shots by celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz, and hard-hitting journalism by Lizzie Widdicombe, who notes that Psaki doesn’t 'want to be the center of attention' and takes makeup advice from CNN."

The story went on like this, taking the Vogue farce way too seriously.

Vogue knows exactly what it is doing: trying to impress the liberal idiocy that sees nothing wrong with 700 people attending Obama's birthday bash but freaks out over the annual gathering of bikers in Sturgis, South Dakota.

Vogue will follow the liberal rabbit down every damned hole and through every mazelike warren until Vogue dies.

The media is killing itself by insisting that America is evil, sports are relevant, and Psaki is glamorous.

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