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Not Goodbye Just See You Soon

I have a heavy heart to write this post this morning.

Life is really kicking in full gear for me right now.

As a lot of you know that follow my blog my husband Terry just got a new Fire Chief Position in a town over an hour North of where we are settled into our current home.

It was two long years of struggle in an employment market full of competition, age discrimination and politics before he landed this new job.  We prayed and stayed faithful something would happen and it finally did.

With the excitement of him getting back into a job he loves,  it now has brought new challenges for us.  We are in the beginning stages of selling our current home to move closer to the community he serves.  

We have had a few showings with very positive feedback so we hope we will find a buyer soon.  Hopefully soon we will be moving onto finding Junk Chic Cottage III.

  The area we will be looking is very expensive and we will probably find something with very small sq. footage for a lot more money.  I am ok with that since I find as I am getting older and hopefully wiser that I need less stuff. 

I had the big house while my girls were growing up and now with it just being Terry and I and little Cooper,  I do not need a lot of space.  I just want cozy and have rooms I actually live in and use.
So that is our goal in the next place.

While all of this stress is going on with selling and buying and moving life has taken another turn for me.

My mom lives in Florida and has become very ill and is having a hard time recovering from pneumonia with her immune system being depressed from her cancer treatments.

This has been so hard with her living in Florida and me up here in Illinois.

This week I will be venturing down to Florida to make sure her release from the hospital and moving into a rehab facility will be an easy transition.  Hoping in rehab she will regain her strength and be able to go back home to her Apartment.

Then the next part of life will be to move my mom back up this way to be near me.  One thing we have learned is when you have an elderly parent that becomes ill you really have to be in their lives on a daily basis.  So I will begin the process of moving her up to Illinois when she is strong enough.

My mom is heartbroken to leave her beautiful year around weather and her friends but she has finally realized that family is important and I can only give her the care she needs if she is up here with me.

My heart is heavy to disrupt her life as she has known it but my mom is 85 years old and her body has been through a rough time with cancer and diabetes so it is time.

My life and family are here in Illinois so she does understand she needs to be closer to all of us now at this point in her life's journey.

I have shared all of this with you today in hopes that you can pray for my mom and for Terry and I as our lives are in transition.

One thing I have learned with all we have been through is family and friends are the most important part of life.  When things seem so bleak they are there to pick you up and cheer you on to the finish line.  

All of you have become very dear friends over the past 6 years I have been blogging on Junk Chic Cottage.  

I have loved getting to know each and everyone of you and am blessed with your friendship.  Sharing your big hearts has blessed my blog and life in so many ways.

So Junk Chic Cottage blog will be taking a short break while my life is moving in a new direction.

I promise I will keep you posted on my journey to finding a new place when our home sells.  Then hopefully will have some before and after decorating crazy to share when we find the new cottage to call home.

I will still visit your sweet blogs when I can it just will be pretty quiet here at Junk Chic Cottage.

Thank you for your prayers, good wishes and hopes of new and better things ahead for us.  Life has a funny way of taking wild twists and turns sometimes.

So while I buckle up and keep my hands and legs inside the ride at all times!!!! I wish the best to all of you.


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