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Resting Thru The Holidays, Changing Times Gives Meaning, Cubicle Decor Ideas

Resting Thru The Holidays-
Both Dave and I wound up sick through the holidays. Could have been much worse since we weren't traveling. A few days before Christmas weekend Dave came down with influenza A, fever, chills, terrible cough. I took him to urgent care and they got them fixed up with some Tami flu and a prescription cough suppressant capsule. That stuff is amazing! Once he started sleeping through the night, and on the Tamiflu, he felt much better pretty quickly. His cough is almost gone. Two days later I came down with a Wheezy bronchitis coupled with my asthma is not a good combo. But I got some medication within a couple of days and I'm feeling better and finally sleeping. Not being able to sleep at night because of wheezing is never fun. The good thing was we both had a four-day weekend and I took a lot of naps. I watch Netflix, rested and did as little as possible to get over it quicker. Sadly I started my new job the day after Christmas sick, but I had to go and it was just one of those things. So all-in-all we're feeling better and we're lucky that we were home and able to rest and didn't have any huge commitments. Had a little snow here and there-

Changing Times Gives Meaning-
I didn't know how to title this and maybe it'll make sense I hope. I'm so burnt out with seeing all the shopping days till Christmas, all the sales all the emphasis on buying lots of stuff for other people. We did that when our kids were little sadly, but times change. We now have three adult children and two of them have their own children. After they became adults we did a gift exchange where you just buy one gift for one person and it really took the financial burden off our girls. When the two babies arrived they decided they didn't want to do that either. That was fine and it really has put the focus more on spending time together as a family and just enjoying each other's company. Having a meal together and being able to talk is a rarity since we're all on different schedules with two of my girls working weekends off and on. It's fun babysitting but it's nice to see your adult kids as well! So taking away the whole gift-giving part has really put more than meaning onto spending time together as a family. Dave and exchanged some simple gifts, a new flannel shirt for him and a book. He got me a wireless keyboard/mouse to tidy up my kitchen computer desk area, a splurge! I love it!!!!  I still like to bake for the holidays although I didn't do nearly as much as year since I was sick. I may make some British Cream Scones tomorrow for New Years since I'm in a baking mood now! They're really amazing and good for whatever ails you-

Dave and I started watching the Father Brown Mysteries show on Netflix and I love watching with all these English homes circa 1950 with all their tea accessories. Lots of scones on the show as well as tea cookies, etc. I'd love to go to the UK someday! Speaking of British...

Cubicle Decor Ideas-
One of the fun things about moving into my new job was having a little bit more room to decorate and personalize! When I first worked for my corporation I was in a very, very small triangular shaped cubicle with very little room. Then I moved into a clinic for almost 2 years I had a little bit of room but not a whole lot more. Now I've moved into a brand new, rehabbed state-of-the-art office. It used to be a global engineering firm and I'm on the 7th floor with a spectacular 360-degree view of the city from all sides. When they acquired the older series of buildings they completely remodeled the insides of the office/hall areas. Everything is brand new. I have a beige counter top and small drawer.  I have a really nice pretty deep blue background to decorate on the soft board area. After looking at it I realized that yellow would be a really nice kind of accent color to just brighten it up a little bit. First I re-used a thrifted frame and printed my free yellow Keep Calm sign above! Here's a few things I'm  using, including a wall calendar, I'm old school!

From Costco, bought for the house, but took to work

Bought a mini lemon garland for the house, going to work instead

Mini plant stand from Hobby Lobby, $8.00

Faux lavender also Hobby Lobby, $4.00 

Mini wreath, $1.50 Hobby Lobby

Name cubes my 1st manager made for all of her team

Here's my desk- love the blue!

I may remove the hanging rack, we use very little paper!

 I don't have everything up yet since we worked a short day today and were dismissed early for New Year's Eve. I'll post photos of it when it is done completely but this will give you an idea... Pinterest has TONS of ideas, which was really helpful!

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