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Two From the 50's

I have two random photos for you today - not from the same lot, but both are from the 50's. 

This first example is a real beauty, with a look at the horse-drawn Firetruck ("chemical wagon") as it heads around Town Square. Apparently guests aboard the Firetruck had to stand! Those milk-white horses are very striking. To our left we can see a Surrey and a Horseless Carriage, while to the right is a popcorn cart and a cannon. This photo is classic Disneyland, which makes me happy.

Next is this nice shot from the Skyway looking down on Dumbo's Flying Elephants. I love the color and energy in this picture, with people milling around here and there while the elephants are whirling. As others have pointed out in similar views, the wall to the left of the "Fan 1" snack bar (that tent thingy) separates the Rainbow Caverns show building from Fantasyland.

Sometimes it's fun to zoom in for a closer look at the people. Why? I don't know! I just like the way they are standing, or their clothes, or I'll try to figure out what they are pointing at. Or I will do the "old zapperino" and place myself down into the scene with everyone else. Notice the dad in the Dumbo vehicle with a movie camera to his eye - I wish I had that footage.

Now let's zoom in to the right side of the picture. Most ladies are still wearing dresses, but that will change in a hurry - it really does seem like pants become acceptable women's wear by '58 or '59. I wonder why? Did a movie star make them chic?

In the upper right we can see the little ticket booth for the Skyway, that doesn't show up very often. 

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