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Where I am right now...

Do you ever feel like a turtle trying to run down the middle of a trench filled with peanut butter and molasses?  That is what I feel like right now.  Absolutely paralyzed by the sheer volume of all that I have to do in a day.  My house is a mess, I cannot find the read aloud when it is time to read aloud, we ate fast food again last night because I forgot to plan for dinner, and I have gained too much weight.  Again.  I just can't seem to make much, if any, forward progress on too many things.

I am reading a book from the library right now called Atomic Habits and he said something that really struck a cord with me: a lot of our goal making is centered around just that - the goal, the end achievement of weighing x amout of weight, or running that race or this race, or getting the house cleaned up so that so and so can come over...on and on it goes.  But when you reach the apex of what you were shooting for, more times than not you end up back where you began or even further back from where you began.  This perfectly describes much of my life.  Why is that?  Well, when I put my thoughts together regarding this book I will hopefully do a post about it.

We made beef stew (in the crockpot) this weekend, homemade chicken fajitas (in the skillet) on whole wheat tortillas, and a creamy garlic chicken and squash dish (in the Instapot).  On Monday I made whole wheat snickerdoodles - they weren't bad, and yesterday I made fudge.  It was really cold with heavy gray skies here, so I decided that we needed a batch of fudge.  My thighs did not need the batch of fudge, but I enjoyed it anyway.  There are really only a few months out of the entire year here that are good for baking (it simply gets TOOOOO hot!), so I tend to take full advantage of the cooler months 😉.

For one on one time today, we are working on antecedents and personal pronouns, integers and multiplication for one person this morning, multiplication and division and then reading and discussing a chapter of Sense and Sensibility for another, and addition and subtraction and the Barton Method for my youngest.  This afternoon, instead of art class with friends, we are going to find out what atoms and molecules have to do with DNA, who were the first scientists and how did what they did then affect what we do and know now.  We are going to read some more about George Mueller and read another few chapters of On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness and listen to our audio book The Wolf Princess.  OH.MY.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE this audiobook.  My oldest child chose it with her Christmas money and 💗💗💗 I am really glad she insisted that we listen to it!!  Then, if time permits, we will do a bit of history and find out how Islam became an empire, read the rest of the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" and hopefully write some responses to what we read.  If we don't get to that today, we will start tomorrow's afternoon session off with history, the fairy tale, and the writing assignment. 

In the middle of all of this, I need to clean my house, like seriously, desperately need to clean it, I need to finish reading a report from a neuropysch test for one of my kids, I need to finish reading Atomic Habits, work on a prayer study I am doing, figure out dinner, and help my kids through rough spots and meltdowns, take care of our pets, do some laundry...it just never ends. 

But, as I typed that last paragraph, I realized that while many of these things can and do bring frustration, they bring an abundance of joy.  These days are precious and treasures of the rarest beauty.  I love getting to homeschool my girls. I love to read reports and get new ideas of how best to serve and help them and I really, REALLY love read aloud time! 

Hope you have a beautiful Wednesday!

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