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City Views, Country Dreams

Good evening from New York.

The calendar tells us that Spring has officially arrived.  We have reset our clocks to Daylight Saving Time.  March is just about to yield to April.  

In some ways, time has seemed to move quickly.  In other ways, as I have continued the healing process after my fall in late February, time has been measured not in days or weeks, but rather in intervals between applications to my forehead of my makeshift ice packs.  I have seen my facial bruising patterns change colors, perhaps mimicking the aurora borealis.  My lacerated finger has had its stitches removed, and I have heard the hand specialist doctor tell me I could stop using Neosporin and no longer need to use non-stick gauze pad bandaging.  He advised me to keep moving the injured finger.

Even as these gradual improvements were taking place, I admit to retaining a certain sense of fragility.  When I ventured out for neighborhood errands, I was extra careful to watch where I was headed and to check the streets and sidewalk surfaces for dangerous uneven areas.  I never before was so wary.

It's been cold and I have spent lots of time indoors, reading 

several good books and lots of articles from The New Yorker,

or knitting, 

or watching Congressional hearings regarding either the Russian investigations or the questioning of various Presidential appointments to his Cabinet.  I haven't been to any more marches or rallies, but have been keeping up regular email correspondence with my elected governmental representative.

I've had the pleasure of getting together with old friends for lunches and phone calls.  On days with temperatures above freezing it has been a pleasure to take some walks in Central Park.

Some time has also been devoted to doing a draft of my Federal and also my New York State and Local taxes.  Naps have been part of the healing regimen.

Finally, today's bright sunshine broke into a recent pattern of damp, grey, cold days.  It was time to take the subway downtown to Union Square to replenish my apple supplies and to see if any flowers might be on offer.

How grand to discover quite a colorful selection was available at several of my favorite stands.

I'm showing you all just a small sampling of the flowers I saw.

If I had some sort of garden space, or terrace, or some such area to give plants a chance, I suspect that I would make many purchases at this time of year.

However, my small apartment has no garden or terrace.

I do have several windows, but they provide what might be termed limited sunlight, definitely not full light.  The larger windows also have at their bases steam radiators.

And so, even when I admire displays such as those I saw today at Union Square, I limit myself to very minor purchases.

Part of the fun of visiting the green market at this time of the year, is seeing what other folks are selecting and vicariously sharing their enthusiasm for the season's potential.

Today, I bought this pretty potted primrose and also a small rosy red ranunculus plant.  It is my hope to keep the duo alive and in bloom until late April  We shall see.

It has now been a year since I retired.  I have thoroughly enjoyed having made this change in my life and am now looking forward to adding even more interests to my already full days.

Blogging may remain intermittent, but I don't want to give it up altogether.  I so appreciate our community, and as always, thank you all for your visits and comments.  See you soon!

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