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Gen Con Bound!

Guess what arrived in the mail?! GUESS!!

Yup, that would be both mine and my wife's Gen Con badges! It'll be my first ever Gen Con, and I can't wait. I'm not even playing in anything and I'm ecstatic to get there!

Yes you read that right, I'm not playing in anything AND my wife is coming with me. So what will I be doing?

Quite a lot, actually:

Painting Competitions!
I'll be submitting at least 4 entries into the MHE Painting Competition, and 2 into the P3 Grandmaster Competition. The 4 for the MHE Competition will be my Salamanders Contemptor Ironclad, a squad of 5 Salamander Tactical Marines, a squad of my Centurions Cavalry and a single Inquisitor figure. For the P3 one, I'm painting up a Khador Juggernaut, and a Khador Battle Mechanik Officer. Yes, the Warmachine figures are both brand new, and the MHE entries are all things that are technically done. However, those pieces were done to a high-tabletop standard. My main goal here is to push myself past that and see what it would really take to do so on those figures. The P3 entries will be my nice and shiny new entries. I'll of course start posting progress on these next week.

While I did not sign up for anything, I have plans to stop in at the Infinity room and meet some folks from MayaCast, The Krug, the Illinois Infinity FB group, and more. I'd like to watch a game or two, and if there's a demo open with someone who doesn't show, maybe I can slip in. Infinity is very quickly becoming a large focus in my hobby time and interests and I want to dive head-first into the community.

Vendor Hall!
I plan on visiting quite a few companies this year. Namely the WarStore and Secret Weapon Miniatures, Infinity and Forge World. I've got the Gen Con Operation: Icestorm to buy along with the limited edition figures from Infinity, and a stop by Forge World (hopefully) to pick up Vulkan and the Firedrake Terminators. My stop by WarStore and Secret Weapon is to Demo some games…games that I may or may not have a creative involvement in. No more to be said yet on this, but rest assured that I'll plaster it up once I can.

Yes, I think this is it's own entry as I've never been before. I fully expect to drink in the atmosphere and geek out at a convention I've wanted to go to since I was in college.

Time With the Wife!
This is actually going to be the first time her and I have gotten away together without our son since he was born. I'm still in shock she agreed to come to Gen Con with me for this trip, but of course I've had to promise a fair bit of time to just her and I. We'll probably go to the Zoo, walk the Canal, maybe hit a museum and a nice Dinner or two.

…plus she has her own badge so she can get con-exclusive stuff too. Hee Hee.

Who's going to Gen Con this year? Anyone? C'mon folks and speak up, I'd love to meet anyone I can!

- Tim

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