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Stacking the Shelves - A Nice Variety

It's been yet another good week, book-wise. Here's what I've added to my shelves/devices:

For Review:
Manicpixiedreamgirl by Tom Leveen from NetGalley

Rotten, by Michael Northrop from Cari's Book Blog
I've already read and reviewed the ARC from NetGalley, so this one gets donated to my library!

From the Library:
Every Day, by David Levithan

Room, by Emma Donoghue

Sweet Evil, by Wendy Higgins
I've always loved this cover and been interested in reading this. When it was a bargain ebook, I grabbed it!

Pretty excited about these. It's one of those weeks when I wish I was retired, or maybe if there were more than 24 hours in a day so I could read all of these soon! How about you? What hit your shelves this week? Make sure you visit Team Tynga's Reviews to see all the blogs participating this week.

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