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Weekly wrap up ♥

Hello everyone and happy Friday!  This week has been very busy and I must be honest with you, I'm glad it's over.  Don't get me wrong, I like being busy,  but the thought of curling up in front of the TV tomorrow and watching the Royal Wedding is all I've been thinking about.  It's going to rain which makes it even better! We don't have any other solid plans other than that, and I couldn't be happier : ) 

Here's a few random pics from our busy week.... 

Mother's Day was simply delightful. John made us all breakfast - he's become a master at scrambled eggs and toast! 

My mom gifted me with this pretty "tea for one set".  I absolutely love it! 

My sister in law had us over for dinner that night with my in laws which was wonderful! 
On Monday, my mom and I planned a day out! 

We had fun day of shopping and a lovely lunch at Panera Bread.  The spring salad with poppy seed dressing is delicious!  

Tuesday it was back to the real world.... 

Trying to stay hydrated at work.  I like sparkling water with lemon ♥

And always an afternoon coffee and a snack ♥ 

John was home sick one day because of his allergies.  (he enjoyed the chocolate dipped frozen bananas by the way....so did the rest of us!)  

Thanks to Zyrtec and a little rain to wash the pollen away he is feeling better. 

John requested mac & cheese the day he was home.  I was all prepared to make the yummy "homemade" kind when he promptly brought me a box from the pantry.  "This is my favorite" he said.  
Yup, that's how we roll around here ♥

Although I did make Rob and I a yummy chicken and broccoli stir fry this week.  I brought leftovers for lunch the next day. 

Mid week John attended his friend Jonathan's birthday party.  It was on a "game truck" which is something I had never heard of.  Apparently it's a thing.  It pulls up in front of the house and the all kids climb on board.  Jonathan's mom texted me this photo of the boys in the truck.  I told her they look hypnotized! 


And  to round out the week, last night was our schools annual spring Pops concert, which is something we love and look forward to all year.    

All the kids did an amazing job!  

John and his drum! ♥ 

My Dad ~ very proud of his grandson! 
(side note: John definitely gets his hair from my Dad!) 

John and his cousin Anthony ♥ (go Celtics! : ) 

John and his buddy Sean who also plays drums in the band.  

I'm glad they have each other and I'm also glad they have music.  It really does make the world go around! 

Happy weekend my friends! I'm setting my alarm tonight for 5:30 am so I don't miss any details of the wedding in the morning.  I know I could record it, but what fun would that be? I'll nap after the ceremony : )
 I have my Union Jack mug all ready to go.  Although it will be filled with coffee, not tea.  Close enough!

Bye! xo 

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